Teaching Links
YouTube Page - YouTube Channel for Mr. Gamble. Please see the historical, military, political, economic, and entertaining videos.
College Guidance for HS students
- Collegeboard.com Admissions - SAT - University & College Search Tool
- Adam Smith (Scottish philosopher) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
- Baseball Economics 201 EconEdLink
- Black Monday (1987) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Econedlink 9-12 Economics
- Econedlink Topics
- econedlink.org econ lessons K-12
- Economics for Everybody (2nd edition, revised) - Bookshare - Accessible Books for Individuals with Print Disabilities
- Economics Posters Economics Prints & Poster Designs
- FBI - Common Fraud Schemes
- Financial Dictionary Investopedia
- Foundation for Teaching Economics - Lesson Plans
- Friday the 13th, 1989 stock market mini-crash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Historical Federal Deficit Tables The White House
- The Economic Way of Thinking « Foundation for Teaching Economic, may have to pay and missing two items at bottom
- thinkeconomics Home page
- thinkeconomics Macroeconomic Phenomena in the AD-AS Model
- Purdue OWL Writing Website
- Purdue OWL Active versus Passive Voice
- Purdue OWL APA Formatting and Style Guide
- Strong versus week verbs
- Writing a Bibliography APA Format
- ESLhome.org - Reading Passages and Exercises - p.1
- Famous People English Lessons Biographies and ESL Lesson Plans
Famous people in the business world
Grammar, Purdue OWL, Active tense
- Fastweb Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans and Colleges
- Purdue OWL Writing Website
- Purdue OWL Active versus Passive Voice
- Purdue OWL APA Formatting and Style Guide
- Writing Guide - Editing and Proofreading Strategies
- Maps of the World website
- MapsOfWorld.com
- Outline Maps
- World War II Map, Second World War Map, World War 2 Map
- ActivelyLearn-A great site for creating social studies assignments, or doing social studies assignments, with different Lexile scores and different grade levels
- ABCs Coloring Sheets, B Is for SchoolFamily.com
- Engrade Online MLS
- glogster Multimedia Posters Online Educational Content
- GoAnimate.com
- GradeBookWizard.com - Online gradebook
- Historic Photos - Famous Historical Photos For Sale
- How to Teach With Our Picture Prompts (and Other Times Images) - The New York Times
- Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) Grades 6 to 12
- Postcards by OvernightPrints.com
- Prezi
- QuestGarden.com
- Quia - Word searches, Crossword puzzles
- Reading A-Z The online reading program with downloadable books to print and assemble
- ReadingQuest Reading Strategies for Social Studies
- Realism Movement, Artists and Major Works The Art Story
- RubiStar Creating Rubrics
- Social Studies for Kids 1st-8th
- Stock Photography - Search 11.8 Million Stock Photos, Stock Footage Video Clips, Royalty Free Images, and Illustrations
- Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans Teachers Pay Teachers
- The School District of Philadelphia
- TravelBrains
PA Dept of Educ site, and other PA educ sites
- -www.compass.state.pa.us- PA Child Abuse Clearances 1-30-15
- PA-Educator.net
- pdesas - Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards Aligned System
- Pennsylvania Child Welfare Portal-CWIS-10-1-20
- Pennsylvania Department of Education
- PERMS Public Access Prof. Educa. Record. Management System
- Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws
Referencing, citations, etc
- The Chicago Manual of Style Online Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide
Textbooks, Publishers
- Cengage Learning - Learning solutions, training and educational publishing
- Cengage Learning - Login Economics textbook publisher
- CourseSmart Pearson
- McGraw-Hill Education
- MyLab - Mastering Pearson Log in
- Pearson Higher Education Prentice Hall
- Pearson - Login for Instructor Resources
- Pearson - Prentice Hall Find Your Rep
- Six options from MacMillan Publishing
- Townsend Press
- Essential Internet Resources according to one author
- Google
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